"Capten" Samuell Sedgwick (1667-1735)
Ancient burying ground at West Hartford CT
photo taken July 4, 1906, probably by either FJ or HM Sedgwick
NHCHS MSS B46 Box 19 Folder D Photo 5000

A Special Appeal:

All five Sedgwick gravestones in this cemetery are badly weathered.
I saw them on July 22, 1999, and they were in such poor condition that
on my return to the NHCHS Library the following day I examined these old photos.
The gravestones were in good condition in 1906, as you can see.
I arranged to have the photos scanned for Sedgwick.org.

Does anyone know how much it would cost to replace these stones?
Can we together share the cost and have it done?
Would one of you please take the lead on this project?